Uninstall ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 Application in Mac OS X ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 removal steps from Mac OS X
Want to uninstall ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 apps? Not able to find a way to uninstall ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 completely from your Mac Machine? Is your Mac machine giving error after manually uninstalling ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 application?
Uninstalling ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 in mac is just a different approach than in Windows OS. Windows OS provides a option to uninstall application or application manufactures provides uninstaller with the application. But in Mac OS X there is nothing like uninstall utility. To uninstall the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 you simply need to drag & drop the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 application bundles to trash, that's it.
STOP this is not the end there is more to properly uninstalling the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 from your machine.
ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 Bundles The Application Bundle
Drag & Drop leaves the associated files of ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 application. Normally, it is thought that all the associated files of a application is saved in the one folder but it is not so. ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 supported files & preference files are saved in other location than the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 Package folder. So you need to get all these files deleted manually. Deleting all the left overs of ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 is not that easy, you need to find all the location where ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 has saved the files.
Some of the location where ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 would have saved the files are
~/Library/Application Support/[]
You should always use the Award winning tool to Uninstall ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 completely from your Mac machine.
Using Finder the remove the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 Application Bundles & Additional Files
To Manually uninstall ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 & all associated files
- Start the Activity monitor to look for the processes running, if you find the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 application process running then quit it, make sure that ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 processes is not running.
- Start finder to look for the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 name.
- Searching "ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4" vs "Contents"
- Delete all files and folders related to the ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 app.
- A reboot might be necessary to completely remove some apps.
See how Award Winning ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 Utility helps you to completely uninstall the application.
Follow these steps to remove ABBYY FineReader Pro 12.0.4 app from your Mac:
- Download a fully-functional trial version of MacKeeper.
- Open the Smart Uninstaller tool and select the application you wish to remove.
- Click Remove to completely uninstall the selected app.
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