Uninstall DE:Flicker Application in Mac OS X DE:Flicker removal steps from Mac OS X
Want to uninstall DE:Flicker apps? Not able to find a way to uninstall DE:Flicker completely from your Mac Machine? Is your Mac machine giving error after manually uninstalling DE:Flicker application?
Uninstalling DE:Flicker in mac is just a different approach than in Windows OS. Windows OS provides a option to uninstall application or application manufactures provides uninstaller with the application. But in Mac OS X there is nothing like uninstall utility. To uninstall the DE:Flicker you simply need to drag & drop the DE:Flicker application bundles to trash, that's it.
STOP this is not the end there is more to properly uninstalling the DE:Flicker from your machine.
DE:Flicker Bundles The Application Bundle
Drag & Drop leaves the associated files of DE:Flicker application. Normally, it is thought that all the associated files of a application is saved in the one folder but it is not so. DE:Flicker supported files & preference files are saved in other location than the DE:Flicker Package folder. So you need to get all these files deleted manually. Deleting all the left overs of DE:Flicker is not that easy, you need to find all the location where DE:Flicker has saved the files.
Some of the location where DE:Flicker would have saved the files are
~/Library/Application Support/[]
You should always use the Award winning tool to Uninstall DE:Flicker completely from your Mac machine.
Using Finder the remove the DE:Flicker Application Bundles & Additional Files
To Manually uninstall DE:Flicker & all associated files
- Start the Activity monitor to look for the processes running, if you find the DE:Flicker application process running then quit it, make sure that DE:Flicker processes is not running.
- Start finder to look for the DE:Flicker name.
- Searching "DE:Flicker" vs "Contents"
- Delete all files and folders related to the DE:Flicker app.
- A reboot might be necessary to completely remove some apps.
See how Award Winning DE:Flicker Utility helps you to completely uninstall the application.
Follow these steps to remove DE:Flicker app from your Mac:
- Download a fully-functional trial version of MacKeeper.
- Open the Smart Uninstaller tool and select the application you wish to remove.
- Click Remove to completely uninstall the selected app.
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